
2014 Issue 2 Spring

Childhood Cancer Facts (8pg)

A cancer diagnosis is unwelcomed news for any family, but when a child is involved, it can be especially devastating. Here are the facts, both good and bad, about childhood cancer.

About 13,400 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States and approximately 2,500 die from the disease.

Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the ag…

All the Ways We Care: Comprehensive Cancer-Fighting Services At Main Street Hospital (8pg)

At Main Street Hospital, we’ve made a long-term commitment to provide our community with the technology, the people and the resources to make a difference in the fight against cancer. The reason is simple: One in every two men and one in every three women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. So every day, we’re working hard to save lives through early cancer…

The Good News About Cancer Survival (8 pg)

June 1 is National Cancer Survivors Day, an annual celebration of life for those who have survived cancer. It’s also a day of inspiration for those who have recently been diagnosed, a gathering of support for families, and an outreach to the community.

Everybody knows somebody whose life has been touched with cancer. There are currently about 13.7 million cancer survivors in the United…

Protect Your Child From The Heat (8 pg)

The soaring high temperatures of summer can cause a number of dangerous health issues, including dehydration, cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Children are especially susceptible to heat-related illnesses. That’s because they produce more heat and sweat less when they’re physically active. Children are also less likely to rest and to drink enough water when they’re playing…

Don’t Forget the Sunscreen (8 pg)

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year. That makes skin cancer the most common of all cancers, accounting for about half of all cases.

Fortunately, the vast majority of skin cancers can be cured if found and treated early. The exception is melanoma skin cancer, which accounts for more than 9,000 of the 12,000 skin-cancer…

Live What You Learn (8pg)

According to the American Cancer Society, two-thirds of all cancers can be prevented though lifestyle changes. So take control of your life today by taking these seven simple steps.

Stop Using Tobacco: Smoking accounts for at least 30 percent of cancer deaths.

Stay Thin: Being overweight or obese contributes to 14 to 20 percent of cancer deaths.

Exercise Regularly: Shed those extra…

Are You At Risk? (8 pg)

Childhood cancer is relatively rare. Unfortunately, the same is not true for adult cancer. One in every two men and one in every three women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. The most common risk factors for cancer include:

Age: The risk of cancer increases as you grow older. An estimated 70 percent of cancer deaths occur in people older than 65.


Love at the OK Korral: Toby Keith Is on a Mission to Help Kids with Cancer (8 pg)

Toby Keith knew he had to do something. In 2003, two-year-old Allison Webb, the daughter of a former band member and road manager for Keith, was being treated for kidney cancer. “I saw firsthand how a child’s cancer diagnosis can devastate a family,” Keith remembers. “Every time Ally would come home from the hospital after treatment, she would call her house ‘Ally’s…

A Message from the CEO: Hope Starts Here (8 pg)

“You have cancer.”

What do you do if you or a loved one hears those three gut-wrenching, life-changing words? Who do you turn to for help? Where do you find the technology and the expertise to fight the disease? Fortunately, the answer to all of these questions can be found right here in our community at Name of Hospital. When cancer strikes, we strike back, providing a comprehensive range of…

All the Ways We Care: Comprehensive Cancer-Fighting Services At Main Street Hospital (4pg)

Comprehensive Cancer-Fighting Services At Main Street Hospital

At Main Street Hospital, we’ve made a long-term commitment to provide our community with the technology, the people and the resources to make a difference in the fight against cancer. The reason is simple: One in every two men and one in every three women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. So every…

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