
2010 Issue 4 October

Focus on Technology: Digital Mammography (4pg)

Focus on Technology: Digital Mammography

Early detection is critical in the fight against breast cancer. When diagnosed at a localized stage, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 98 percent. That’s the reason our hospital is proud to offer digital mammography. This state-of-the-art system delivers highly detailed images for a more accurate diagnosis that can literally save your…

Pain, Pain Go Away: Pain Management Offers Relief for Millions (4pg)

Pain, Pain Go Away

Pain Management Offers Relief for Millions

Are you one of the estimated 86 million Americans suffering from long-term pain? Fortunately, a pain management program can provide the latest therapies, techniques, and medications to help you reduce the pain, discomfort and chronic aches and start living a more active and enjoyable life.

By far, the most common type of…

October Is Physical Therapy Month (4pg)

October Is Physical Therapy Month

If your physical abilities have been limited by injury, accident, disease or aging, or if you are recovering from major surgery, physical therapy is often the first course of treatment recommended by physicians. Physical therapy is non- invasive and therapists can choose from a variety of techniques to reduce pain, increase strength and improve your range of…

Live What You Learn (October 2010, 4pg)

Live What You Learn

Article #3

An annual mammogram is your best defense against breast cancer. Yet all too often, women find excuses not to have one.

“I’m Too Busy” – Instead of viewing this annual checkup as a chore, make it a fun day for you and your friends. Ask two or three friends to schedule their annual mammograms on the same day.

“I Always Forget To Schedule a…

Are You At Risk? (October 2010, 4pg)

Are You At Risk?

It’s important for every woman to know the factors that increase the likelihood of breast cancer. Getting Older: 2/3 of invasive breast cancers are found in women ages 55 and older.

Family History: If a close relative (mother, sister, daughter) has had breast cancer, your risk increases. Menstrual Periods: If you started your period before age 12 or went through menopaus…

Go Pink! Show Your True Colors during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October (4pg)

Go Pink! Show Your True Colors during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October

You can be one of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who “Go Pink” this October during Breast Cancer Awareness month. That’s because pink is the universal color for promoting awareness and educating the public about the importance of early detection in fighting breast cancer.

Why are so many peo…

Live What You Learn (October 2010, 8pg)

Live What You Learn

An annual mammogram is your best defense against breast cancer. Yet all too often, women find excuses not to have one. Do any of the following excuses sound familiar? “I’m Too Busy” – Instead of viewing this annual checkup as a chore, make it a fun day for you and your friends. Ask two or three friends to schedule their annual mammograms on the same day and then you…

CEO Article: A New Color for Fall (8pg)

A New Color for Fall

Sometime during the month of October, you’re going to see pink. It may be on packaging in the local grocery story or a small pink ribbon worn by a friend. You may visit a web site that has changed its color to pink or see an NFL player wearing a pink wrist band. When you see pink, take a moment to remember that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If there’s on…

The Fighting Angel

The Fighting Angel: Jaclyn Smith is a Breast Cancer Survivor

There are 2.4 million women who have survived breast cancer in the United States. Actress Jaclyn Smith, famous for her role in the 1970s TV series Charlie’s Angels, is one of them.

Smith was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in 2002, at age 55. During her annual mammogram, the doctors told her they saw something suspicious…

Same Day Surgery

The Advantages of Same-Day Surgery at a Full-Service Hospital

Thanks to new techniques and ongoing advances in technology, many surgical procedures are now performed regularly on an outpatient basis. These procedures, known collectively as same-day surgery, account for more than 60 percent of all surgeries at a typical hospital. Some of the more common same-day surgeries include genera…

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