
2017 Issue 3 Summer

By the Numbers: Chronic Disease

25% of American adults have two or more chronic health conditions.
36% of Medicare beneficiaries have four or more chronic conditions.
50% of American adults have one or more chronic health conditions.
70% of all deaths are caused by chronic disease.
86% of all healthcare spending is for people with two or more chronic healt…

All the Ways We Care: Taking on the Challenge of Chronic Disease

Chronic disease, defined as any medical condition that lasts more than three months, seems to be everywhere. About half of all American adults—117 million people—have at least one chronic medical condition. At age 65, those numbers increase dramatically. Approximately 92% of seniors have at least one chronic disease, and 77% have at least two. Chronic diseases are responsible for 7 of 10…

Chronic Disease Alert: The Importance of Proper Wound Care

A non-healing wound can be a sign of diabetes, one of the most common chronic diseases. It’s estimated that 6.5 million diabetics suffer with chronic non-healing wounds. Because diabetes can also cause nerve damage that disrupts pain signals, it easy for a diabetic not to know they have a wound, especially on the bottom of their feet. A simple break in the skin can quickly become infected,…

America’s Weighty Problem

Obesity is one of the most common chronic diseases in America today. Indeed, an estimated 70 percent of American adults are either overweight or obese. All
those extra pounds increase the risk for a multitude of chronic health problems, from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease to joint problems, diabetes, sleep apnea and long-term illnesses.

So how do you know if you ar…

Are You At Risk? Autoimmune Disease

The lupus that affects Toni Braxton is just one of 80 different autoimmune diseases that affect up to 50 million Americans. With an autoimmune disease, a person’s own immune system attacks the body’s tissue instead of attacking viruses and bacteria. Women are much more likely than men to have an autoimmune disease. In fact, it’s estimated that 75 percent of autoimmune cases are women. For…

A Message From Our CEO: When You Can’t Do It Alone, We’re Here

Do you have a chronic medical condition, one that has lasted more than three months? Chances are you do. About half of all American adults—117 million people—have at least one chronic medical condition, from high blood pressure and diabetes to arthritis and lupus. Many of these medical conditions have no cure. But with expert advice, support and encouragement, they can be managed in many…

Interview with Toni Braxton: Living with Lupus

Toni Braxton talks about the struggles of living with a chronic disease that affects 1.5 million Americans.

Recognized as one of the best singing voices of her generation, Toni Braxton has won eight Grammys and sold more than 60 million records. She’s also a talented songwriter, pianist and record producer, who has appeared on Dancing With The Stars and recently written her life story in…

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