
Safety & Prevention

Heart Disease By the Numbers

30 Percent of adults who do NOT get any leisure time physical activity, increasing their risk for heart disease.

33 Percent of all deaths in America caused by heart disease.

39 Percent of all female deaths in the United States caused by heart disease, the #1 killer of American women.

68 Percent of American adults who are overweight or obese, increasing their risk for heart disease.


Are You At Risk for Diabetes? The Answer is Probably “YES.”

Tuesday, March 27 is Diabetes Alert Day, a day that serves as a wake-up call to help people understand the widespread prevalence and seriousness of diabetes. In addition to being the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, diabetes increases a person’s risk for a host of serious health problems, including heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, kidney damage and hearing…

All the Ways We Care: Fighting Heart Disease with the Power of Four

At Main Street Hospital, we are committed to working with you and your family to fight heart disease—America’s #1 killer. Just as every human heart has four chambers that all work together to pump life-sustaining blood throughout the body, we believe there are four key players that must work as a team to effectively prevent and treat heart disease.

Your Physician
You can only treat a…

Bad Blood: Why High Blood Pressure Is So Bad for Your Health

High blood pressure is often called the Silent Killer because it has no symptoms. It can go undetected for years, and what it does to your body during that time is enough to make you sick. Literally.

What High Blood Pressure Does:

To Your ArteriesHealthy blood vessels have a smooth inner lining. High blood pressure can damage the cells of the inner lining and also tear the lining. That…

Are You At Risk? High Blood Pressure Risk Factors You Can’t Control

Almost 86 million Americans have high blood pressure, making it the most common risk factor for heart disease. Talk to your physician about the following risks and what you can do to lower your blood pressure.

AgeYour risk increases as you grow older in part because your arteries lose some of their flexibility.

RaceAfrican-Americans have a higher risk than any other racial background in t…

Live It Out! 5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Someone dies of heart disease in the United States every 40 seconds. Don’t be a statistic! Take action today by making any of these five simple changes.

Stop SmokingThe most important thing you can do to improve your overall heath and reduce your risk for heart disease is to stop smoking. In fact, you are twice as likely to have a heart attack if you smoke compared to a non-smoker.

A Message From Our CEO: A Heart-Felt Month

February is American Heart Month, a time for all of us to become more aware of the dangers and risks of heart disease. After all, heart disease still remains the most common cause of death in this country. And more than one-third of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, which can lead to stroke, heart failure and other serious, even life-threatening medical conditions. Fortunately, at name of…

Interview with Jane Seymour: Modern Day Medicine Woman

Jane Seymour talks about living with high blood pressure and staying proactive in maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle.Perhaps best known for her role in the highly popular television series Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Jane Seymour has honed her acting skills in virtually all media, the Broadway stage motion pictures and television. The multiple Emmy and Golden Globe award winner is also an…

Take Charge, 6 Lifestyle Changes That Can Lower Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Studies have shown that lifestyle changes can decrease the risk of breast cancer. Take charge of your health today by making just a few simple changes in your life.

Limit your alcohol. The risk of breast cancer is 20 percent higher for women who consume 2-3 alcoholic drinks per day.
Don’t smoke. A study found that women who smoked for than two decades tripled their risk of dying from breast…

8 Essential Health Screenings for Women

As a woman, taking care of yourself should be one of your top priorities. After all, when you’re healthy, you’re better able to take care of the ones you love. That’s the reason health screenings are so important. They can detect many health problems before they become serious and provide you with the information to help you maintain and improve your health. At Main Street Hospital, w…

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